How to Become a Cat Groomer?


How to Become a Cat Groomer

Becoming a cat groomer is a journey into a rewarding career within the cat grooming industry, which is distinct yet complementary to existing dog grooming or pet care businesses. This definitive guide to cat grooming emphasizes the unique aspects and requirements of feline care, setting you apart as a specialist in the field.

Why Become a Cat Groomer?

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, a complete change in career outlook has led many people, including child care givers and would-be entrepreneurs, to consider cat grooming as a flexible, rewarding career. Notably, the UK households have seen a surge in pet adoption, with over 3.2 million new pets, making the need for cat groomers in HUGE demand. This trend isn’t just about traditional cat breeds; exotic cat breeds have also risen in popularity, creating a diverse range of feline coat types that require regular maintenance and care to avoid welfare issues.

For those already working in the pet care business, now is a better time than ever to add cat grooming to your services. It’s an exciting industry, offering opportunities to excel in competitions and events, or even start mobile grooming services. Working from home or expanding an existing dog grooming business to offer this service to cats can introduce a viable revenue stream. This is not just a job; it’s about creating a brand and a lifestyle where your passion for animals can soar.

For animal lovers seeking a change of pace, or to scale down working hours, cat grooming stands as a perfect and attractive option. It’s a career that allows for a more flexible way of life, making it easier for those juggling responsibilities like child care. Whether you’re looking to offer this as a standalone service or add it to an existing pet care business, the potential to thrive and have fun is immense. With lots of people looking to book appointments to have their cats groomed, stepping into this role now could mean being part of an industry set to soar.

How to Become a Cat Groomer

What Can I Expect From My Cat Grooming Course?

Embarking on a journey to become a cat groomer begins with selecting the right course. These courses are designed to be both fun and informative, providing hands-on experience which is key to mastering the art of cat grooming. A major focus of these courses is to ensure that you not only achieve a qualification but also leave feeling happy and motivated, ready to confidently step into the world of cat grooming and let your skills shine.

Training providers are typically friendly and supportive, understanding that each student’s journey is unique. They place a strong emphasis on flexibility, allowing the course to fit into your life, especially if you’re transitioning into this new career. This aspect of flexibility is crucial, ensuring that learning to groom cats doesn’t disrupt your current lifestyle but rather complements it.

Also Read: Why Does My Cat Sleep Between My Legs?

How to Become a Professional Pet Groomer?

Transitioning into a career as a Professional Pet Groomer requires mastering a variety of skills beyond just cleaning and providing aesthetic services to pets. Whether working with dogs, cats, or others, pet groomers must be adept at services like trimming hair, bathing, styling, cleaning ears, and clipping nails. To become a successful pet groomer, there are five steps to consider.

Pet Groomer Requirements

Entering the field of Pet Grooming can seem straightforward, as it is largely an unregulated industry. However, acquiring specialized education and certification is highly recommended for those aspiring to be professional Pet Groomers. The scope of work for a groomer can vary widely, from working in a pet megastore or a private pet grooming salon, to settings like a veterinary clinic or operating a mobile van.

A comprehensive chart that addresses the requirements, salary, and job growth prospects for pet groomers can be immensely helpful for newcomers in the industry. This chart typically outlines the necessary qualifications, expected income, and career trajectory in the pet grooming sector. Although formal credentials might not be mandatory, they do lend credibility and can open doors to more lucrative and respected positions.

Typical Education High school diploma or GED
Training Required On-the-job training is most important; pet-grooming coursework is recommended
Certification Certification in pet grooming is available but not required
Job Growth (2020-30) 33%* (animal care and service workers)
Mean salary (2020) $28,380* (animal caretakers)


Step 1: Do Your Homework

The journey to becoming a Pet Groomer starts with understanding that while it can be a rewarding career that involves your love for animals, it is also physically demanding and sometimes stressful. There’s always a risk of being bitten while getting pets groomed. The first step on this road to ensuring it’s the right job for you is thorough Research. Delving into this career can begin online, exploring various grooming techniques, styles, and breeds. It’s crucial to learn how to clip a dog’s nails, brush their teeth, or cut their hair, along with special considerations for cats and other pets.

Watching online videos on pet grooming can be immensely educational. Additionally, making friends with a professional dog groomer and observing their grooming sessions can give you a real idea of what’s involved. If possible, when you’ve washed a dog or any pet, try to do some basic grooming tasks sometime to get hands-on experience.

Also Read: Why does My Cat Groom Me?

Step 2: Take a Course in Pet Grooming

Progressing to Step 2 in your journey to become a cat groomer involves considering educational options. Although a specific pet grooming degree or dog grooming license does not exist, enrolling in hands-on courses or online courses in pet grooming is highly recommended. While formal education is not a necessity, it provides a structured learning environment and a solid foundation in grooming techniques and animal care.

Researching pet-grooming courses in your area is crucial to find a good one. Look for programs offering in-person training, as these are often more comprehensive and provide direct experience, which is the best teacher in this field. Even if available options are limited, online courses can still offer valuable insights and knowledge.

Step 3: Gain Entry-Level Work Experience

Step 3 in your quest to become a cat groomer is all about getting your hands wet and really diving in. After your study, it’s time to volunteer or help out in a facility that grooms pets. You could also seek an internship or a position as a groomer’s assistant. This often involves tasks like giving baths to pets under the supervision of an experienced groomer.

Getting to know the pet groomers in your area and offering your assistance is a great way to gain experience. Pick their brains; learn not only the skills needed to become a proficient dog groomer or cat groomer but also the nuances of handling different animals. While you might pay with your time, earning little to nothing initially, your growing skills will undoubtedly impress a future employer.

Also Read: Ways to Make Your Cat’s Vet Visit Less Stressful

Step 4: Go to Work

Step 4, the final step in your journey to becoming a cat groomer, is where your studies and networking pay off. By now, you’ve identified potential employers and it’s time to approach them for steady work. Look into opportunities at pet megastores, check out veterinary clinics, and talk to local pet grooming salons or mobile providers. If your dream is to start your own business, prepare a solid business plan, obtain a business license, and secure startup capital to pay for supplies and your workplace, whether it’s working from home, operating a pet-grooming shop on wheels, or opening your own pet-grooming salon.


In the thriving landscape of the pet care industry, becoming a cat groomer offers a unique avenue for animal lovers seeking fulfilling careers. With the surge in pet adoption, particularly of cats, the demand for skilled cat groomers has never been higher. Through specialized courses, hands-on training, and gaining invaluable experience, aspiring groomers can carve out a rewarding path in this burgeoning field. Whether as part of an existing pet care business or venturing into entrepreneurship, cat grooming offers not just a job but a lifestyle where passion and dedication converge to create a fulfilling and prosperous future.

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