What Human Foods Can Cats Eat?


What Human Foods Can Cats Eat

As a pet parent, deciding what to feed your furry friend can be intriguing, especially when they show interest in having a nibble from your dinner plate. While some foods are not suitable for animals, there are specific human foods that are safe for cats to eat as an occasional treat. Despite their often finicky appetites, cats’ diets need to be managed carefully due to their specific and sensitive digestive systems. It’s essential to avoid foods that could make them develop diabetes, especially those high in sugar. Safe options include bananas and apples, which can be a delightful treat for them.

What Can Cats Eat?

Cats can eat a variety of foods, but their diet should primarily consist of 100% complete and balanced cat food. Some human foods that are safe for cats include cooked meat like beef, turkey, and chicken, as well as cooked, de-boned fish such as tuna. However, it’s crucial to avoid giving raw meats or fish to cats, as these can make them sick.

What Human Foods Can Cats Eat

Meats & Fish

Cooked Lean Meats

As obligate carnivores, cats benefit significantly from meat in their diet. Opting for lean, cooked meats is safer for them, reducing the risk of foodborne illnesses like salmonella, e. coli, and listeria often associated with raw meat. Beef, in particular, is rich in essential amino acids vital for a cat’s health. However, it’s important to serve these meats without any spices or sauces that could upset their digestive system.

Cooked Fish

Fish is another favorite among cats and can be a healthy part of their human food diet. It’s an excellent source of amino acids and omega-3 fatty acids, beneficial for their bones and joints, especially as they age. Like with meat, ensure the fish is cooked and free from additives, salt, and spices. However, it should not be included in their everyday feeding routine due to potential health risks.

Also Read: Can Cats Eat Cucumbers?

Scrambled or Hard-Boiled Eggs

When you’re eating your breakfast, you might find your feline friend getting interested in sharing a bite. Scrambled or hard-boiled eggs are safe for cats and are packed with nutrients, making them a highly digestible and perfect occasional treat for your cat. However, avoid feeding them raw eggs, as they can contain foodborne bacteria.


While many cats may hate vegetables and turn their nose up at them, if your feline enjoys a veggie snack, certain types are safe and beneficial. Vegetables like cucumber, steamed broccoli, carrots, asparagus, and peas are good sources of vitamins, fibre, and water.


While cats aren’t typically known as fans of fruits and veggies, you might find your furry friend begging for a bite when it comes to cucumber snacks. These are safe to share and provide a great source of vitamins and hydration. They also serve as a mild digestive aid. Remember to peel off the skin to avoid any pesticides that might cause stomach upset.

Steamed Broccoli

Another cat-safe vegetable for felines of all ages is steamed broccoli, best served in moderation. This vegetable is packed with antioxidants which can help reduce free radicals in your cat’s body, much like cucumber. It can also assist with regular bowel movements, adding to its health benefits.


Peas are a starchy, fiber-rich vegetable that you can share with your cat, especially if they suffer from occasional constipation. Commonly found as an ingredient in commercial cat foods, both garden peas and snow peas are safe options. Just be sure to remove the pod, as pea pods can be harder to digest.


Carrots are a popular ingredient in many cat foods, credited for their high beta-carotene and vitamin A content. When sharing carrots with your cat, it’s safer to offer them cooked rather than raw, as raw carrots can be a choking hazard. Cooked carrots are both safe and nutritious for cats in moderation.

Whole grains

Whole grains like oats, corn, brown rice, and couscous are also good options for cats. These grains provide essential protein and are commonly found in various human foods. However, ensure they are plain and unseasoned when you let your cat eat them, as spices and additives can be harmful to them.


Pumpkin (but not pumpkin spice) can be a delightful treat for your kitty. Offering them pureed pumpkin adds fiber and nutrients to their diet and can aid in relieving constipation and hairballs. Always ensure that the pumpkin is plain and free of any additives or spices before sharing it with your cat.

Green beans

Green beans are an excellent choice for cats, being rich in iron and protein, yet low in calories. They are ideal for overweight cats. A tablespoon of fresh, canned, or frozen beans can be mixed into your pet’s meals. Ensure that if you’re using canned or frozen varieties, they are sodium-free to maintain your cat’s health.


Spinach is another safe vegetable you can feed your cat in moderation. It’s packed with essential vitamins and antioxidants. However, be cautious if your cat has urinary tract stones or other urinary concerns, as spinach can aggravate these conditions.


When it comes to fruits for cats, it’s all about finding the right balance in texture, taste, and nutritional value. Cats, known for their occasional sweet tooth, can safely enjoy certain fruits. For example, Bananas offer potassium and fibre, but due to their sugar content, they should be given sparingly. Blueberries are an excellent snack, providing vitamins A and vitamin C, and are low in calories. Other cat-friendly options include cantaloupe, watermelon (ensure it’s seedless), and peeled apples (deseeded), each offering unique textures and flavors. Interestingly, pumpkins can also be a nutritious snack, rich in fiber and vitamins. Always remember, while these fruits are safe, they should only complement a cat’s diet, not dominate it.


Bananas are a curious but viable fruit choice for cats. They are packed with healthy carbs, fiber, and essential nutrients. Given as a snack, they can offer a variety in a cat’s diet. However, it’s critical to limit the portion to small amounts due to their high sugar content, which could lead to digestive issues. My cat, for instance, enjoys a tiny piece of banana occasionally, which adds a nutritious twist to her usual diet.

Also Read: Can Cats Eat Olives?


Blueberries, in contrast, serve as both a fun and healthy treat for cats. These small fruits can act as a natural play toy, encouraging cats to bat around on the floor, engaging their hunting instincts. Rich in antioxidants, they support a balanced diet when fed in moderation. The ideal serving size is about two or three berries, ensuring a safe and healthful feeding experience. From my experience, blueberries are a hit with felines, offering both nutritional benefits and playful joy.


Watermelon is a popular choice for cats, especially during the warmer months. Its juicy texture helps keep them hydrated. Yet, it’s important to be cautious about the amount served. Watermelon has a high content of natural sugars, which, in excess, can lead to digestive upset or problems like diabetes. I make sure to give my cat small pieces occasionally, ensuring she enjoys the treat without any health risks.


Apples, when properly prepared, are a safe and nutritious snack for cats. It’s crucial to serve them peeled, as apple skin can contain pesticides. Unlike cucumbers, apples provide a pleasantly crunchy texture that cats enjoy. They are also a good source of fiber and essential nutrients. However, one should consider the calorie allowance of their pet to prevent overfeeding. In my home, apples are a cherished treat, enjoyed in moderation for their health benefits.


Rice can be a gentle aid for digestion in cats and fits well into a diet aiming for balanced nutrition. While white rice is low in nutritional content, it is often used as a healthy digestive remedy for cats with upset stomachs. On the other hand, brown rice offers more in terms of vitamins and minerals, making it a healthier alternative. However, it’s essential to remember that rice should only be a small part of a cat’s diet, given their primary need for protein.


Oatmeal has become a popular ingredient in many commercial cat foods. It’s a beneficial whole grain that provides good protein, fat, and essential amino acids. Oatmeal is also a source of energy-rich carbohydrates. When serving oatmeal to cats, it should always be cooked and offered in moderation, ideally mixed with water rather than milk, as many cats are lactose intolerant. This grain can be a wholesome addition to a cat’s diet, complementing their primary protein sources.

What Human Foods Can Cats Eat

Human Foods You Should Avoid Feeding Your Cat

When it comes to human foods, there are certain items you should avoid feeding your cat due to their potential toxic effects and significant health concerns. While it’s tempting to share our meals with our feline friends, being aware of what’s harmful is crucial for their wellbeing.

Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic, along with their relatives in the allium family such as leeks and chives, are particularly toxic to cats. They contain compounds that can break down red blood cells leading to anemia. This condition can be life-threatening and requires immediate veterinary attention. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure these foods are not accessible to your cat, even in small amounts.

Most Dairy Products (Milk & Cheese)

Contrary to the popular images in cartoons that depict cats as being ideal companions to lap up a bowl of milk or eat a piece of cheese, the reality is that most cats are lactose-intolerant. Dairy products can cause digestive issues like diarrhea and constipation in cats. While some cats may like the taste and can be cautious around a cheese platter, the presence of a sneaky cat doesn’t mean they should partake. It’s best to keep dairy products out of their diet to avoid any adverse health effects.


While yogurt often lacks direct scientific evidence backing its health benefits for cats, some experts believe that it can be safe and even beneficial in small amounts. Yogurt, especially those rich in probiotics, can be helpful in treating conditions like diarrhea in cats. However, it’s important to note that not all cats can tolerate dairy, and any introduction of yogurt into their diet should be done cautiously.


Chocolate is widely known to be toxic to both dogs and cats, as stated by resources like the Oakland Veterinary Referral Services. It contains caffeine and theobromine, which are harmful to cats. Even in small amounts, chocolate can cause symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, increased thirst and urination, lack of appetite, panting, tremors, and seizures. In large amounts, it can be fatal. Any ingestion of chocolate by a cat should be considered an emergency and requires immediate attention from a vet.

Also Read: Can Cats Eat Fish Food?


Similarly, grapes are also toxic to cats. Even in small amounts, grapes, along with raisins, can cause serious illness and kidney failure. Symptoms like vomiting can appear within 12 hours of ingestion. If a cat consumes grapes or raisins, contacting an emergency vet is crucial due to the severity of the potential consequences.


Nuts should generally be avoided when feeding your cat. Even in small pieces, they pose a choking hazard and are not recommended for feline diets. Moreover, nuts are high in fat and calorie-dense, making them not ideal for cats. Their nutritional profile doesn’t align well with the dietary needs of cats, who require a diet high in protein and low in carbohydrates and fats.


Similarly, seeds, despite their small size, are high in fat and can be bad for cats. Consumption of certain seeds can lead to an upset stomach, vomiting, or diarrhea. It’s crucial to be mindful of the types of seeds and their potential effects on cats, as their digestive systems are not designed to process high-fat foods effectively.

Anything with Caffeine

When it comes to caffeine, it is a powerful stimulant that can cause high blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmias in cats. Therefore, any food or drink containing caffeine is considered dangerous and detrimental to their health. Cats are much more sensitive to caffeine than humans, and even small amounts can have significant adverse effects. It’s best to keep all caffeinated products well out of reach of curious paws.

Anything with Xylitol

Xylitol, a common sweetener in many human foods, is extremely toxic to cats. When ingested, it can cause a rapid release of insulin, leading to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), and even liver failure. The severity of the reaction depends on the amount of xylitol ingested. Even small amounts can be dangerous, so it’s essential to keep any xylitol-containing products well out of your cat’s reach.

Raw Meats & Fish

Feeding raw meats and raw fish to cats might seem natural, but it poses risks of bacteria that can lead to food poisoning, causing serious illness or even death. While cats are carnivores, the meats and fish we buy for human consumption aren’t always handled or stored in a way that makes them safe for raw consumption by pets. It’s important to cook these foods properly to eliminate any potential health hazards.

Raw Dough

Another surprising hazard is raw dough, especially yeasted bread dough. The ASPCA warns against allowing cats to eat any form of uncooked yeast. When ingested, the yeast ferments the carbohydrates into ethanol and carbon dioxide, which can cause the stomach to expand. This expansion can leave cats feeling disoriented, bloated, and ataxic (having impaired coordination). It’s a condition that requires immediate veterinary attention.

Cooked Bones

Cooked bones can be hazardous when feeding them to a cat. Unlike raw bones, cooked ones tend to splinter during chewing, posing a risk of blocking the throat or causing internal damage to the digestive tract. It’s a common misconception that bones are safe for cats because of their carnivorous nature, but the cooking process changes their structure and makes them dangerous.


Alcohol is a known toxin for both humans and animals, and cats are especially unable to tolerate it. Even small quantities can lead to ethanol poisoning, causing depression of the central nervous system. Symptoms can range from disorientation to severe health crises, making alcohol one of the most dangerous substances for cats.

Feed Your Cat Human Quality Meals with the Honest Kitchen

Opting to feed your cat human quality meals is a growing trend, and brands like The Honest Kitchen are leading the way. They offer home-cooked meals with specific ingredients that are both good for cats and mindful of what they can and cannot eat. When sharing our food or treats with our feline friends, it’s crucial to ensure they’re not toxic and contribute to a balanced diet rich in necessary nutrients. Experts recommend human grade options from pet food producers like The Honest Kitchen, known for their expansive line of cat foods designed to appeal even to the pickiest eaters.

What Human Food Can Kittens Eat?

When considering kittens and human food, it’s important to remember that their dietary needs change through different feline life stages. Kitten food should be their primary source of nutrients, but as they grow, introducing changes in their diet can be beneficial if done carefully to avoid digestive upset. Kittens can get accustomed to new foods like scrambled eggs, cooked meat, fish, salad greens, and pumpkin. However, these should be introduced slowly and in small amounts, not exceeding 10% of their daily calorie intake to maintain nutritional balance. It’s advisable to introduce only one new food item at a time, allowing your pet to taste and adapt gradually.


Understanding the dietary needs of our feline companions is crucial for their health and well-being. While it’s clear that cats can enjoy a variety of human foods, from lean meats and certain vegetables to a select few fruits and grains, it’s paramount to prioritize their unique nutritional requirements. The key is moderation and ensuring that these human foods are only a small part of a diet that should be predominantly high-quality cat food. It’s equally important to be aware of foods that are harmful to cats, such as chocolate, grapes, and anything with caffeine or xylitol. By being mindful of what we share with our cats and opting for safe, healthful choices, we can enjoy the bonding experience of feeding them, while keeping them happy, healthy, and thriving. Remember, when in doubt, always consult with a veterinarian to ensure the best dietary choices for your beloved feline cat.

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What Human Food Can Cats Eat List?

When it comes to human food that cats can eat, the list includes items like Bananas, Blueberries, Cantaloupe, Watermelon (ensure it’s seedless), and Peeled Apples (deseeded). These fruits, along with Pumpkins, can make a tasty snack for your feline friend. It’s important to remember that while these foods are safe, they should only be given in moderation and not replace a cat’s regular diet.

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What is a Cat’s Favorite Food?

As natural meat eaters, cats thrive on protein-rich diets. Foods like cooked beef, chicken, turkey, and lean deli meats are often a cat’s favorite. High-protein diets support a strong heart, good vision, and a healthy reproductive system. However, it’s crucial to avoid giving cats any raw or spoiled meat, as this can make them sick. Each cat may have its preferences, but meat is generally at the top of their favored foods list.

What Cat Food is Healthiest?

Determining the healthiest cat food involves consulting veterinarians and looking for high-quality ingredients and research-backed formulas. Brands like Hill’s Science Diet, Royal Canin, Purina Pro Plan, and Blue Buffalo are renowned for their nutritious compositions tailored to various cat health needs. These brands offer a range of products that cater to specific dietary requirements, ensuring your cat gets the best in terms of nutrition and taste.

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